I went to the UNC vs. Air Force Academy basketball game tonight. (Who I rooted for is another post altogether.) The crowd was full of very energetic college students, eager to root on their team and boo the opposing one.
It's funny how some people really struggle to come up with insults, but still insist on giving them--the result often being ridiculously poor timing.
And Air Force player was shooting a free throw. The crowd was booing and shouting out insults to his dog, his mother, etc., trying to get him to miss the shot. That's normal. But about 4 seconds after the shot, when it had already been rebounded and was heading down to the opposite basket, the brain of someone behind me FINALLY arrived at the insult they'd probably been working on for a good 15 seconds and shouted, "Your...ears are...irproportional to your face!"
I thought the insult itself was kind of funny (and original, at least to shout it out from the stands), and the timing was ridiculous, so I was already genuinely laughing. About .5 seconds later, I started laughing much harder as I realized what he'd said.
Irproportional? Really?!
Poor guy. That's embarrassing enough to say that, but in the middle of hundreds of people? (At least it was so loud not everyone heard...and it was a group of probably lesser intelligence than maybe the concert hall I was at last night...no offense...)
But then, I can kind of relate. Whenever my EFY counselors would get down on themselves for messing something up, I'd say, "You know what? Don't worry about it! When you mess up, 8 people (their group of youth) know about it. When I mess up, 800 people know about it!"