My dad says that blogs are mostly for people to stroke their own egos.
I think they're for people to keep in touch with close friends and family, let them know what's going on in their lives when they are horrible at keeping in touch with people or are so busy they frequently forget to...
Or maybe for people who have too much going on inside of their minds and have to get it out somehow but know that no one will really care that much about their random ponderings...
Let's say I'm all three cases. Probably more of the latter...
Often, as I walk across campus, I have thoughts that seem "profound" or "significant" to me and I hope I can remember them long enough to get home and write them in my journal. Or maybe I should carry a little notebook around and write them down in there, along with any inspiration I get (which GA does this?), but then I feel the insane weight of my backpack on my back and remember that NOTHING else will fit in there.
So here's my virtual "A look into Lori's mind" notebook. Enter at your own risk.
Sister - I'm so excited about your blog! You're pretty much the coolest and I'm so glad I'll get to hear from you more often!