Saturday, October 10, 2009

Interpretive Music Notation

My 6th grade "Intro to Music" class took a quiz the other day about the basics of reading music: note names, note durations, etc. They did OK, except they kept confusing half- and quarter-notes (and their respective rests)--a fairly necessary skill in order to read music!

We reviewed it in class the following day. After some group instruction, to do a quick formative assessment and some more practice, I said, "Draw me a quarter note in the air." They did it with their fingers in the air in front of them. "Now draw a...half rest!"

I don't remember who said it (OK, I have a good idea of who...), but out of the blue, one of the BOYS said, "We should dance around the room and you call out a name and we have to do it!" Remember, this is 6th grade, OK? We're talking 11- and 12-year-olds, not little kids. I said, "Really?" And almost the whole class chimed in, "Yeah!!!"

So I put on the 1st movement of Dvorak's "New World Symphony". They all started interpretive dancing to it. Seriously. I thought I was going to die. It was hysterical. I then call out, "Half note!" Some stop and draw it with their fingers. Some shape their bodies into it. Some get on the floor and squirm around to look like the note. Then they keep dancing.

We did it for probably 2 1/2 minutes. I didn't know if I'd be able to compose myself afterwards.

I love my job. I think I learn more from them sometimes than I learn from myself.


  1. You posted! Awesome stories - I just love them! I got your email and will write soon! Loves from here!

  2. I wish I could be in your class! Right now I do lots of interpretive dancing with Phin in our kitchen. It is quite entertaining because I am 8 months pregnant! I am thrilled to know that you like your job! Keep up the good work! Love from the Howes.
